Medical trained
The ISKH is one of 5 schools accredited by the Belgian faculty of Homeopathic Medicine.
Every student who finishes the full-time training can obtain the faculty diploma. This diploma
is exclusively for MD's, veterinarians and dentists and responds to the qualifications and
experience required for the ECH diploma and the future diploma of the Liga Medicorum
Homeopathica Internationalis.
These requirements are anno 2012:
* Minimum 200 hours of theoretical training (school certificate)
* Minimum 150 hours of practical training (Faculty training booklet)
- video cases/live cases/ following consultations are part of this
- own consultations (under supervision): minimum 50 hours.
* Diploma= certificate +completed trainings booklet + national examination (with jury)
Obtaining the diploma via our school: only through the full-time training of 3 years.
MD's (not following the full-time training), veterinarians and dentists get accredited
hours by following the seminars, live cases and supervisions. They can handle this proof to their
training coordinator.
Non-medical trained
Non-medical trained prersons (f.i. german Heilpraktiker) also can get proof for the followed
seminars and congresses. So they can obtain accreditation points delivered by their
professional association home and abroad. If you have any questions about this, we'll be happy
to provide you more information.