Full-time training

Alfons Geukens, M.D. founded the "Clinical Training Center for Classical Homeopathy" in Hechtel in 1983 and expanded it to what it is now: a clinical training center where Classical Homeopathy in primary health care is being practiced 24 hours a day. This kind of Center and its system of practical training is unique in Europe.

In the Clinical Training Center doctors can go through a three-year clinical training program (full-time training) in Classical Homeopathy.

It is only accessible for doctors, who want to specialize themselves in Classical Homeopathy. Apart from the theoretical knowledge they also get the opportunity, under the supervision of one of the five supervisors, to get practical experience with patients. A degree is awarded upon successful completion of the three-year full-time training. Up to now 54 doctors from both Belgium and other countries have graduated at the Clinical Training Center for Classical Homeopathy.

General conditions of admission

The applicant should:

  1. Be in possession of a medical degree with permission to practice in the European Community.
  2. Give proof of basic knowledge in Homeopathy, namely:
    • a thorough knowledge of the philosophy and the most important homeopathic remedies
    • a knowledge of the use of the Repertory.
  3. Since the instruction and clinic interactions will be conducted in Dutch every doctor who wants to work in the Center should learn and speak Dutch.
  4. Must follow introductory courses and pass tests during a period of 1 to maximum 6 months in order the obtain and test to basic theoretical knowledge of homeopathy and learn Dutch. In this (part-time) period the student must follow as much consultations as possible to master the tools needed to conduct a consultation in a proper way.

Training program

A. Practical training

Working in the Center for a period of three successive years, full-time (35 hours a week). We advise you to come and live near Hechtel. We have a list of houses and rooms to rent in the neighbourhood.


The first year: all new consultations 

The second year: only difficult cases

The third year: only complicated cases will be supervised.

As soon as you have sufficient knowledge of Dutch you can start your own consultations.
From the second half year on, you will participate in the on-call duty in the Center, this means being on call for one day of the working days and one day of the weekend in rotation with other colleagues of the Center.

B. Theoretical training


Before starting the full-time training the student  can optimize his basic knowledge by studying and following lessons about the Organon, Philosophy, Materia Medica of the polychrests and repertorisation techniques. During the training a more profound learning is offered on a weekly basis, these lessons are comparable with the former part-time training. The study and discussion of the remedies by video-cases (in our special video room) and live-cases are most important in this training. Through examinations and homework the progress of the student is monitored.

The 200 hours of theoretical training of the ECH curriculum are easily exceeded.

C. Certificate

At the end of a three-year full-time training a certificate (former school diploma) will be given signed by the supervisors who took part in the training of the candidate.

The certificate (completed with a filled in practical training attest) meets the conditions, which are necessary on the national and international level for the recognition as a homeopath.

After passing a central examination (with jury) the candidate receives a diploma of the Belgian Faculty.

Some additional information

IMPORTANT: If you want a full-time training in our Center we advise you to apply for a residence permit.

  1. A Belgian medical license is required in order to work in the Center.
  2. To check if your medical degree is recognized in Belgium, you should get in touch with:
    Orde der Geneesheren Limburg
    Villerspark 3 bus 2
    3500 Hasselt
    Tel. + 32 11 22 84 80
  3. For costs like a consultation room, secretary, light, heating, etcetera you pay 50% of your income in the Center.
  4. There are no scholarships available.
  5. Usually, every three month a new doctor starts his training in the Center. This depends on the number of candidates and the free places available.
  6. You can apply anytime. There is no particular deadline. As soon as you are ready to attend the training in the Center you can apply.
  7. The candidate has to fulfil all legal and official regulations concerning assurances like professional assurances, civil responsibility, car assurances and so on.
  8. The doctors have to declare their income at the Ministry of Finance in Belgium.


If you are interested in the fulltime training you can always contact Dr. Jean-Louis Smout:
Tel.: + 32 11 73 23 55
Fax: + 32 11 73 48 65