Seminars and congresses

Since 2011 the ISKH started to organize seminars and congesses with guestspeakers from home and abroad again.

The auditorium, in which in the past many famous homeopaths (like Vithaulkas, Sankaran,...) gave well-received seminars,

is also renewed. Our translation and catering services are known for their great quality.


Planned seminars


October 18-20th 2019: Farokh Master & Roberto Petrucci : Modern meets classic!



The auditorium

Recently, our auditorium received a make-over. Modern audio-visual techniques were introduced. People can follow the live cases on 2 video screens. Computer presentations (Powerpoint) are showed on a central projector screen. Simultaneous translation is also available.



Meals: on every congress or seminar day breakfast and lunch (on demand) buffets are available. Payable on spot in cash.

When the weather is nice, participants can enjoy a picknick in our nice garden.



Location: the auditorium where the seminars take place is situated right behind the building of the center. It's accessible via the pebble parking.